Balinese Architecture in the Wrap of Modernization (Role and Challenges of Material Laboratory, Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Udayana University)
Sooner or later, Balinese
architecture will enter the millennial era. Then, what architectural style that
matches the use of exposed brick walls ?. Does it have to be a building with
traditional and ethnic style that can use exposed brick walls? Not really,
actually, any style fits in well with exposed brick wall applications. When in
buildings with traditional and ethnic styles exposed brick walls tend to be
applied to the entire building. In more modern styles exposed brick walls are
only used as accents. The use of exposed brick techniques seems to be a hassle
in manufacturing, costs are more expensive, and maintenance is more difficult
when compared to ordinary brick walls. But, after completion, all the hassles
will pay off completely, because the exposed brick wall will have a very
unique, natural, ethnic, and very strong aesthetic accent. Then how long can
this material last? Too bad this beauty is not maintained. Hopefully the riset of the Structure and Materials Laboratory Civil Engineering Study Program will contribute preserving Balinese architecture to be sustainable.
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