This picture
was taken while done the
practice at Mambal slaughther house at Badung Regency. One of the sub topics in the
Meat Science and Carcass Evaluation Course offered at the Faculty of Animal
Husbandry, Udayana University is the Livestock Slaughtering Procedure. The
learning achievement in this sub-topic is that students are able to correctly
explain livestock slaughter procedures that are in according with national
slaughtering standards (SNI) and international. Therefore, this practice is carried
out in collaboration with the UPT RPH Mambal at Badung Regency as one of the slaughter
house that
carries good but not standar livestock slaughtering procedures. Students will learn an evaluation of the
cutting procedures and compared
to the correct standards that are in
according with
the material learned in class. In this practice also cooperates with the frozen
meat supplier businessman who slaughtering in Mambal slaugther House Mambal.
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