Rona Bahasa

I Nengah Sudipa & Ni Made Sri Satyawati (eds.)

ISBN : 978-602-7599-54-3 Published : 2017


A festschrift on the occasion of the 70th birthday and retirement of Prof. Dr. Aron Meko Mbete (see the news coverage here from which I got the cover image of the book). I contributed a co-authored paper (in Indonesian) in the collection under the title Mempertemukan morfologi dan linguistik korpus: Kajian konstruksi pembentukan kata kerja [per- + Ajektiva] dalam Bahasa Indonesia (G. P. W. Rajeg & I M. Rajeg, 2017). Data, R codes, and the PDF of the chapter are published open-access (G. P. W. Rajeg & I M. Rajeg, 2017).

We also published the online, R Notebook version of the paper (Rajeg, 2019) since we wrote the paper entirely in R using R Markdown (see the Github repository for the codes). Readers can reveal the underlying programming codes that generate graphical, numerical, and tabular results in the paper (to do this, on the top, right corner of the Notebook, to the right of the title, click the Code button and select Show All Code).


Rajeg, G. P. W., & Rajeg, I. M. (2017). Mempertemukan morfologi dan linguistik korpus: Kajian konstruksi pembentukan kata kerja [per-+Ajektiva] dalam Bahasa Indonesia. In I. N. Sudipa & M. S. Satyawati (Ed.), Rona Bahasa: Buku persembahan kepada Prof. Dr. Aron Meko Mbete memasuki masa purnatugas (pp. 288–327). Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia: Swasta Nulus.

Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya. (2019, February 3). gederajeg/mempertemukan_morfologi_dan_linguistik_korpus: R Notebook deployment for "Mempertemukan Morfologi dan Linguistik Korpus" (Version v0.1.0). Zenodo.