A guide book for young doctors in eye health

Putu Budhiastra, I Wayan Eka sutyawan, AAA Sukartini Djelantik, Ari Andayani. I Made Agus Kusumadjaja, IGA Made Juliari, WG Jayanegara, Ni Made Ayu Surasmiati, AA Mas Putrawati, Ni Made Laksmi Utari, Putu Yuliawati, Ni Made Ari Suryathi, Ariesanti TH, IGA

ISBN : 978-602-5986-25-3 Published : 2018


This young doctor's study guide book was created with the aim as a guide for students of professional-level medical education (young doctors) to be more directed in following the teaching and learning process at the eye health sciences and while on duty elsewhere