Healthy and Safety Tourism : Directory of Hazards, Risks, and Tourism Health Services in Bali

I Md Ady Wirawan, Wayan Citra Wulan Sucipta Putri, Ketut Hari Mulyawan, Ni Made Dian Kurniasari, I Made Kerta Duana, Christian Suharlim

ISBN : - Published : 2017


The development of the tourism industry needs to be supported by various parties including the health sector. Health and safety aspects at tourist destinations will be an added value in the promotion of tourist destinations, as well as reducing the number of morbidity and accidents associated with potential hazards and risks.

This book discusses at a glance the epidemiology of tourism health which includes travel trends and tourism-related morbidity, tourism health surveillance, and the concept of hazard and risk assessment in tourist areas. In detail, this book provides a directory of hazards or potential hazards and analyzes of risks as well as preventive measures that can be taken to reduce health and safety risks based on the location and type of tourist attractions. In addition, the data is also complemented by a mapping of health service which serving tourists. All of this data will be used to build a tourism health surveillance network as well as provide health information to tourists in a more targeted and specific manner based on the category of tourist attractions.