Gede Wirya Kusuma Duarsa
ISBN : 978-602-473-560-9 Published : 2020
This textbook is written based on search results and literature review and my practical experience as a specialist urology consultant. The purpose of writing this textbook is to increase insight and refresh information on the implementation of inflammatory research results in the prostate to improve the management of prostate abnormalities in a broad sense which includes complaints of lower urinary tract (LUTS), prostatitis, BPH, and cancer prostate. The main learning outcomes and subject competency objectives of this textbook are that medical students, general practitioners, and specialists in surgical and urology education programs are able to describe and provide explanations on aspects of detection, diagnosis, mechanisms (especially the role of inflammation, risk control, improvement prognosis, and most importantly , the development of governance in LUTS, prostatitis, BPH, and prostate cancer.