Pedawa Village, Exploring The Indigenous Settlement in Buleleng
Anak Agung Gde Djaja Bharuna
ISBN : 1978-602-61669-6-8 Published : 2020
village is one of the old villages (“Bali Aga/Bali Mula”), located in Banjar
District, Buleleng Regency. This village has a history and traditions that are
different from other villages in Buleleng Regency. One tradition that is
preserved and only by the Village Pedawa community, is the embodiment of
annihilation. An effort to reward the community for the existence of the
creator. Traditions are inherited empirically, from generation to generation,
through the parum of village elders. Decisions
that are preserved wisely and in the context of close togetherness, so as to
have norms that are tradition Currently in Desa Pedawa is being developed so
that it can be promoted to become a tourist destination in the North Bali
region, because it has considerable potential in the cultural / social sectors,
such as customs and traditions with a variety of local wisdom. One of them is
the existence of pelangkiran, as a
form of appreciation for the people of Desa Pedawa in preserving their
ancestral traditions. This paper aims to examine how the attitudes/views of the
Village Pedawa community appreciate and preserve the traditions of the
elders/ancestors, especially the context of the existence of the form of
immersion as a representation of the religious function of the community.
Departing from the changes that occur in traditional housing in Desa Pedawa
today for the continuity of traditional residential houses can still survive
until now.