Empowerment of The Tista Tourism Village Community As a Community Conserned about a Clean, Independent and United and Environment

I Gusti Ngurah Janardana, dkk

ISBN : 978 - 623 - 7559 - 1- - 8 Published : 2019


Tista Village Community Empowerment as Community Care for the Environment to Support Tista Tourism Village

Tabanan Regency in general has the following objectives:

1. Change the perspective, mindset, attitude, behavior and way of working, which is oriented

on progress and modernity so that Indonesia becomes a great nation and

able to compete with other nations in the world.

2. Realizing a politically sovereign, economically independent Indonesia, and

have a personality in culture.

The programs cover 5 main types of programs namely, Indonesia Serving, Clean Indonesia, Orderly Indonesia, United Indonesia and Indonesia Mandiri.