Village Fund for People's Welfare

A A I N Marhaeni, I Ketut Sudibia, & Gede Andika

ISBN : 978-623-92190-5-5 Published : 2019


Today, the existence of village funds is very interesting to discuss and study, because one of the efforts to develop villages is to provide a source of funding for villages to carry out the planned development process by providing village fund assistance. Academics also try to help the government to show data and study results on how the impact of the existence of village funds provides benefits to the village economy, so that it can be evaluated whether the village fund program is helping the village community to the maximum or there are efforts that still need to be evaluated to make the funding program is success in that villages. The importance of understanding and studying village funds for academics starting from the tertiary level to be able to give attention to the central government program encourages writers to publish a book on  village funds with the headline "Building a Village, Building Indonesia" which is expected to be able to provide the latest understanding and study of information regarding the existence of village funds. This book discusses the basic understanding of the existence of village funds such as background, legal basis, principles that apply to the study or research results of the use of village funds.