Food Packaging (Safe, Comfortable, Effective and Efficient Packing Study)

1. Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Sucipta, MP, 2. Dr. Ir. Ketut Suriasih, M.App.Sc, 3. Dr. Ir. Pande Ketut Diah Kencana, MS

ISBN : 978-602-294-141-5 Published : 2011


The role of packaging actually only felt around 1950, when there were many supermarkets or supermarkets. Packaging must "sell" products on store shelves. Here the packaging must be able to attract attention, describe the features of the product, and "persuade" consumers. The package takes over the sales task at the time the transaction occurs. The rules of packaging are not limited to the packaging and protective products, but are accompanied by the beauty of the packaging.

The development of the role of packaging does not stop there. Now this packaging has acted as a communication medium. For example, on milk or baby food packaging, it is often affixed with toll-free or toll-free telephone numbers. This number can be contacted by consumers not only to complain, but also as an information center to ask questions about everything related to the product. Packaging can also play a role to communicate a certain image. For example, Japanese food products. The Japanese are known to be the smartest to make good packaging. Japanese sweets are often better looking than they taste. They dare to use expensive materials to wrap the products sold. Although there is no message written on the package, the packaging communicates a good image. All products sold in supermarkets must be properly planned for packaging. Because products in the same category will be put on the same shelf. If the producer wants to launch a new product, one important task is to make the packaging stand out, different from the others and unique. If it doesn't seem different from other products, then the new product will "sink". Before trying its contents, consumers will capture the impression communicated by the packaging. Thus the new product packaging must be able to "collide" with the packaging of other products.

By seeing the role of packaging which is very important, then the concept of the role of packaging must cover the entire marketing process from product conception to the end user.