Tourism Spectrum: Myth as Cultural Capital in Bali Tourism Development

Dr. Drs. I Putu Anom, M.Par. I Gusti Agung Oka Mahagangga, S.Sos., M.Si, Ida Bagus Suryawan,S.T., M.Si, Toetik Koesbardiati, Ph.D.

ISBN : 9786232184954 Published : 2020


Cultural tourism has evolved in such a way and raises concerns whether cultural tourism still exists in Bali? Cultural tourism is indicated to shift and compete with other types of tourism (that does not mean other types of tourism are not good or not important). Myth as part of culture, actually has great power as cultural capital in the development of cultural tourism. However, traditional myths in Bali in particular and in Indonesia in general (even in the world) seem not to have been fully utilized. For in Bali, almost every village must have a local myth. If this is able to be exploited, it will be unique and unique. Many cases occur, namely the uniformity of tourism products in Bali, but as a vehicle for the creative economy, this can be overcome, such as by looking back at local myths that can display a variety of tourism products. Included as a means of education for millennials in the 4.0 revolution era about local values ​​that are rich in meaning and across the ages. The authors of this book seek to bring together the academic and practical side of tourism from the perspective of a highly multidisciplinary / transdisciplinary tourism science. The use of the methodology refers to the classical paradigm, the modern paradigm and the postmodern paradigm (especially the people and tourism in Bali are in the process of traditional to modern, or from modern to postmodern?). The subject matter was pursued - accompanied by issues and case examples ranging from social engineering in tourism to the opportunity for village budget funds to be used for tourism. The reader will try to understand the myths, culture, society and tourism as an application or applied of tourism science (especially the dimensions of tourism culture, the social dimension of tourism and the economic dimension of tourism). Scientifically (both exact and social humanities) have understood that no entity has ever been completely stable. The undeniable dynamics (Hinduism in Bali refers to the power of Bethara Kala / Sang Waktu), there is always a process that will be interpreted differently by humans, society and the environment. But the point is that in any process it takes time (can't be slowed down-can't be accelerated), effort / effort (can be active or passive) and environment (can support or not support). There is always a cycle that is often denied by humans because of specific interests.