Freeman and Tourism: A Perspective of Cultural Studies

I Gst. Ag. Oka Mahagangga

ISBN : 1410-3729 Published : 2008


Freeman (preman) actions in Bali for the last year were assumption that relevant with a struggle of power between civilian groups that have a power. it is fault concerned about the image of Bali as tourism destination. Safety an pleasure are the important things that have to protect if we want to keep Bali as a priority destination for tourism. It can be imagine if the peacefulness in Bali that have been happened with tragedy (Bali Bombing), afterwords being annoyance of the freeman attacked. Altough, freeman attacked not directly disturb the tourists, but the impact who cover with news in media will make bad image about Bali who not save again, not friendly, not comfort than  finally the tourists can remove their route to another place. However, it necessary needed the role of all people in Bali not just the police or the goverment to make Bali peaceful. Freeman with their bad action can be controlled if all the people understand the freeman condition and maximaize the prevent of their criminal action.