Tourism Evolution in Indonesia
I Gusti Agung Oka Mahagangga , Ida Bagus Suryawan, I Putu Anom, I Made Kusumanegara
ISBN : 978-602-53487-4-7 Published : 2018
So far, the concern in tourism research related to social changes is often confused between the development and development of tourism. Whereas essentially there is a fundamental difference between tourism development and tourism development. Many cases occur as a researcher wants to focus on the development of tourism but because a theoretical conceptual approach has not been obtained sufficiently "forced" to use a concept or theory of development. Without aiming to give birth to academic debate, the writing team only wants to emphasize that development is closely related to history, social genetics, origins, periodization, trajectory and finally genealogy. Through development it can be predicted the direction of change intended as an academic effort. Developments are often ignored because they are considered too complicated and take a long time in the development of tourism in an area. In fact, by paying attention to the development of tourism, it is clearly seen the potential, character and prospects of tourism development including its development. Using the concept of tourism morphosis (Anom, et al., 2017) as the evolution or development of tourism this book presents the development of tourism in Badung regency which has been rapidly developing tourism, in Banyuwangi district is under development in tourism and in the new district of East Luwu will focus on the development of the tourism sector .