Profile of Citrus Gianyar
Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Supartha, MS Ir. A.A.I. Kesumadewi, M.Si Prof. Ir. I Wayan Susila, MS. Ir. I Gusti Alit Gunadi, MS. Ir. I Dewa Putu Oka Suardi, M.Si
ISBN : 978-602-7599-22-2 Published : 2015
Gianyar orange commodity is a superior commodity that has a great opportunity as a mainstay commodity in the Province of Bali which currently competes locally with Kintamani siam oranges from Bangli Regency. Through the publication of the Gianyar Citrus Pro bukul book, it is hoped that the citrus community in Bali and outside Bali will receive adequate information to utilize the Gianyar oranges as consumption material and their farming initiation (agribusiness) ingredients at the local, national and global levels.