"Satwa Upakara" Means Of Hindu Religious Ceremony

I Komang Budaarsa dkk

ISBN : 978-602-776-83-8 Published : 2013



-Means of Hindu Religious ceremony.

The use of animals in such ceremonies does not mean an ordinary slaughter. The slaughter generally starts with  several putification processes. These prification processes undelines the slaugher for religoius ceremonies. Those means as the cleansing of the animal sins in order to be reincarnated become a better creation because of its sacrifice which means as one of the way to purify the universe. 

As the introduction, emphasized on sacfice on Hinduism - Yajnya, kinds of Yajna and its means as well as the use of the animals in Hinduism ceremony. 

In the chapter II explain specifically about caru - the religous activity to neutralize the universe. Next on chapter III explain about kinds of animals for religous ceremony such as quadrupeds - wewalungan suku pat, various types of poultry, isin tukad-  various types of fish live in the river, isin carik