PENULIS Dr. Ir. I Wayan Alit Artha Wiguna, M.Si Dr. Ir. Ni Wayan Tatik Inggriati, MP Prof. Dr. I Ketut Suda, M.Pd Prof. Dr. Ir. Euis Dewi Yuliana, M.Si Dr. Ir. I Wayan Kastawan, M. Eng

ISBN : 978-602-52255-6-7 Published : 2018


can not be separated from agricultural development in Bali, began to cause concern for various parties. Various studies before subak was designated as World Cultural Heritage (WBD) showed that farmers in Bali were mostly old. The younger generation of Balinese, are generally less interested in working in the agricultural sector. They prefer jobs outside the agricultural sector, especially tourism services compared to working as farmers in rural areas. As Tatik's research (1994) shows, farmers in Kuta and Mengwi in Badung Regency are mostly more than 50 years old. Likewise, Wiguna's research (2008) also states that farmers in the subak Wangaya Betan area of ​​more than 50% are more than 50 years old. The lack of interest of the younger generation to pursue the agricultural sector has caused important values ​​of local wisdom and cultural practices related to subak to begin to disappear. Togetherness values ​​and various basic concepts of Balinese philosophy of life become less important. These values ​​have been modified and replaced by capital-based systems (Masrin Kente "t.t"; Sutrisno, 2010 and Suda, 2014).