Statistic and Experimental Design Animal Husbandry
Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sukada, M.Si
ISBN : ISBN 978-602-5742-04-0 Published : 2018
This book is a set of statistical and experimental design lecture in Faculty of Animal Husbandry in Udayana University which was made based on my personal experience as a lecturer in statistical and experimental design, and experience from some other expert's scientific reports in statistical and experimental design.
This book has simplified so it is interesting to read by all of the students in the faculty. The main reason of this book is to make it easier for the student to understood. This book focused on statistical and experimental design application in animal husbandry experiment, instead of teaching student on how to be a pure statistical expert. It's like understanding on how to use a sickle doesn't mean that they have to be able make one.
This book is still needs to be perfected following the development of Animal and Husbandry or statistical and experimental design knowledge.