Dislocation of Mandible

E.Sjamsudin, Indra H., Nyoman AYu Anggayanti

ISBN : 978-623-90055-6-6 Published : 2019


Mandibular dislocation is one of the earliest temporomandibular joint disorders understood in the literature. This case is an excessive forward movement of the condyle, so the condyle shifts forward to the articular eminence and is focused because of the spasm of the masticatory muscles. Mandibular dislocation must be reduced as possible before severe spasms of the masseter and petrygoid muscles occur. Reduction can be done manually with a finger on the lower molars that pulls the mandible down to pull the levator muscle and then backward to place the condyle in the fossa. in general, this procedure can be performed without the need for anesthesia if Copyright is done. in cases where severe muscle spasms have been caused due to the delay in reducing, this procedure is performed with the help of local anesthetics injected into the lateral pterygoid joints and muscles, or with the help of intravenous diazepam to eliminate muscle spasms and differentiate damage. If this method is not effective, use general anesthesia to get adequate relaxation.