Spread of Words and Meaning
Ni Ketut Widhiarcani Matradewi
ISBN : 978 602 335 557 0 Published : 2019
Poetry can be interpreted with many things. The words that are arranged in it can be arranged by a series of poetic sentences in rows or with just a row of words. Poetry in this anthology is poetry with line variations. Some of them are poetry with 3 lines of style. The theme also varies, not just a matter of love, but can also be our poetic statements to life, to emotions that overflow, to the joy that is unmatched, jealous is on fire, or to the equality of degrees.
Poetry is our short poetic story about the crumbs of life. Through poetry, the crumbs of life are poetically telling, so they can be interpreted as the soul wants to interpret them. Departing from that spirit, the poems in the poetry anthology were made.