Political Party Accountability
Muhammad Ali Azhar, Dkk
ISBN : 978-602-294-081-4 Published : 2016
Political parties are one of the actors of democracy.
Every actor in development has an obligation at least morally and politically
to implement the principle of accountability. The accountability of an
institution will be closely related to the legitimacy of the institution
itself. This means that institutions which do not implement the principle of
accountability will lose their legitimacy sooner or later. While the legitimacy
of an institution will be very closely related to the sustainability of the
institution itself. That is, only institutions that have legitimacy, their
presence is accepted, their performance is good, their role is important and
they are supported by other development actors who will have the power of
sustainability as an institution.
For political parties, accountability is important to
maintain the legitimacy and sustainability of the political party itself. In
the perspective of democratization, the sustainability of political parties is
very important as one of the pillars of democracy. In the context of a
country's or nation's democratization process the accountability of political
parties is very important, because first, it guarantees the sustainability of
the political party itself as one of the actors in political development.
Second, provide an example or example for other political development actors.
Third, to ensure the effectiveness of political parties in carrying out the
process of democratization and struggle for the aspirations of the people.
This encouragement of transparency towards political
parties intends to avoid the "stealth funds" used by political
parties in elections. We know that so far money politics has talked more than
ideology and quality, so it is time for political parties to build a more
accountable democratic culture in front of the public.
The concept of accountability is intrinsically related to
the concept of representation. This refers to a certain kind of bond that is
established by politicians and citizens in what is called "representative
democracy" as a result of periodic delegations of power in an electoral
district to elected representatives. In contrast to authoritarian regimes and
unrepresentative forms of democracy, representative democracy combines an
institutional framework of political power authority with other frameworks that
are oriented to ensure responsiveness and accountability of those who are given